歡迎來dao東莞市德高機械ke技有限公iu荊 頤iecheng為nin提gong優質的視覺定位機、zhi盒機、li盒機、皮殼機、cheng型機、tiejiao機、壓泡機等


德高機械 Degao Machinery


  • 聯ao鶼壬i詢︰


  • 熱搜guan鍵詞︰ 視覺定位機 zhi盒機 li盒機 皮殼機 cheng型機 tiejiao機
    詳情shuo明 / Details


    1 .日本yama哈400行程機械手完cheng定位過程,動作平穩快su,精du要qiu高,使用shou命長。
    2 .進口高清雙攝像頭cheng像,快sujiao換計算面紙位置,精du高,sudu快。
    3 .iao薪歡ㄐ途榔 eng,伺服qu動皮dai,cheng型鋁機架,運行平穩,定位點精準。
    4 .程序自行設計開發,可控性、可操作性簡dan易xue,操作界面簡潔,新手容i細 
    5 .該機全bu由本公司自主yan發、設計、生產,其中伺服凸輪飛dabu分、過jiaobu分、dan喇空zhibu分yi經獲得多項國家zhuan利。

    Functional features

    1. Yamaha 400 stroke manipulator completes the positioning process, with smooth and fast action, high precision and long service life.
    2. Imported high-definition dual camera imaging, fast exchange and calculation of paper position, high precision and fast speed.
    3. Carton carry shaping correction function, servo drive belt, forming aluminum frame, stable operation, accurate positioning point.
    4. The program is designed and developed by ourselves, which is controllable and operable, easy to learn, simple operation interface, and easy for novices to work.
    5. The machine is all independently developed, designed and produced by our company, among which the servo cam Feida part, the glue passing part and the lacquering part have obtained a number of national patents.

  • guan于德高

    公司簡介 榮yu資質 he作伙伴 廠房車間 客戶案例
  • 產品中心

    全自動zhinengzhi盒機 機械手ying像定位機 li品盒伺服cheng型機 全自動iaoiejiao機 li品盒機械非標定zhi
  • 新聞中心

    公司動態 行業資訊 常jianwen題
  • 聯系方式

    金 坤︰13925867976

    金 培 煜︰13925867976

    金 鑫︰18926882708

    地 址︰東莞市道?蛘蠆醬ai代工業yuan四dongyi樓
  • sao描進ru手機站

  • 幸运飞行艇开奖结果官网 2024年04月27日 16:24