

德高機械 Degao Machinery


  • 聯系金xian生咨詢︰


  • 熱搜關鍵ci︰ 視覺定位機 zhi盒機 禮盒機 皮殼機 成型機 貼角機
    xiang情說明 / Details


    該機主要分為定位模塊、貼角模塊ong尚湍?槿蟛糠鄭 墑迪指ei紙盒、木盒、膠盒生產shi的自動送紙、自動guo膠、自動貼角、自動定位、自動成型和自動壓泡等,系列工yi工xu的自動完成,轉版速度快,zhi作盒體jing美。定位模塊的黑白皮帶、雙鏡頭、自動糾pian、皮殼板貼襯定位、五片板定位。貼角模塊的不粘膠膠帶槽、雙升紙台。成型模塊的智能調節、自動鎖固、伺服tu輪動作、免換鏟刀和壓泡板等,均由我si自行yanfashe計生產,並獲得多xiang國家專利。


    The machine is mainly divided into three parts: positioning module, angle sticking module and forming module. It can realize automatic paper feeding, automatic glue passing, automatic angle sticking, automatic positioning, automatic forming and automatic bubble pressing in the production of all kinds of cartons, wooden boxes and plastic boxes. It can complete a series of technological processes automatically, transfer plates quickly, and produce exquisite boxes. The positioning module includes black-and-white belt, double lens, automatic deviation correction, skin plate lining positioning and five plate positioning. Non adhesive tape slot and double lift paper table of corner module. The intelligent adjustment, automatic locking, servo cam action, no change blade and pressure foam board of the molding module are designed and produced by our company, and have obtained a number of national patents.

  • 關于德高

    公si簡介 rong譽資質 合作伙伴 廠房chejian 客戶an例
  • 產品zhong心

    quan自動智能zhi盒機 機械手影像定位機 禮品盒伺服成型機 quan自動紙盒貼角機 禮品盒機械非標定zhi
  • 新聞zhong心

    公si動態 行ye資訊 常見問題
  • 聯系方式

    金 坤︰13925867976

    金 培 煜︰13925867976

    金 鑫︰18926882708

    di 址︰東莞市道鎮昌平村bai代工ye園四棟一lou
  • saomiao進ru手機站

  • 幸运快艇官方开奖结果查询 2024年04月27日 14:23